I finally got signed off for hormones in November, and have had 2 jabs and been taking the tablets, not much to report yet apart from perhaps a slightly fatter bum and pecs, and perhaps slightly fewer and thinner clumps of gross hair everywhere (sorry about that image), but GREAT to be on the road finally!
Docs have been great, GIC helpful, GP understanding, cant complain at all really.
Doubts, loads, 2nd thoughts : 0
NHS Laser therapy begins on Friday, looking forward to that.
Best year ever Id say, great Christmas, parents rule, best friends imaginable, lots of travel, loads of strange adventures,, enjoying art more and more, a few bumps and crap days here and there, always to do with work, but generally really enjoying things!
Sooner or later Ill have to get (and keep) a proper job to save the cash for facial feminisation and adams apple reduction etc and likewise with voice training but to be honest its much cheaper and less hassle (not to say work!) to just not care very much haha! hair is getting longer too which rules!
Man what an incredibly bland post! To be honest the boringness is the one of the best parts, no fanfare just normal life happy in myself. Could be worse.
Hows it going with you ah?
x Alex
As is tradition, some shite selfies looking smarmy... but also happy haha.