Thursday, 8 January 2015

Note to self

Dont get too cocky

"....For instance, you might come to think from time to time
that you are getting somewhere, especially if you have
some satisfying moments that transcend what you have
experienced before. Then you might go around thinking,
maybe even saying, that you have gotten somewhere, that
the meditation practice "works." The ego wants to lay
claim and take credit for this special feeling or understanding,
whatever it is. As soon as this happens, you are no
longer into meditation but into advertising. It is easy to get
caught here, using meditation practice to support the selfinflation
As soon as you're caught, you cease seeing clearly. Even a
clear insight, once it is claimed by this kind of self-serving
thinking, rapidly clouds over and loses its authenticity. So
you have to remind yourself that all colorations of "l,"
"me," and "mine" are just currents of thinking that are
liable to carry you away from your own heart and the purity of direct experience. This reminder keeps the practice
alive for us at the very moments we may need it the
most and are the most ready to betray it. It keeps us
looking deeply, in the spirit of inquiry and genuine curiosity,
and asking constantly, "What is this?", "What is this?"

Jon Kabat Zinn - Wherever you go there you are.

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